Community Resources
Resources in Sarnia and the surrounding areas:
International Breastfeeding Centre
Jack Newman Breastfeeding Clinic.
1255 Sheppard Ave. East. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Phone: 416-498-0012
Email: clinic@ibconline.ca
To ask a question of Dr. Jack Newman, relating to breastfeeding: https://ibconline.ca/ask-a-breastfeeding-question/
Resources: https://ibconline.ca/information-sheets/
Multilingual Information Sheets: https://ibconline.ca/multi-language-information-sheets/
What is a good latch?: http://ibconline.ca/the-asymmetric-latch/
Sore nipples: http://ibconline.ca/pain-breastfeeding1/
Nipple shields: http://ibconline.ca/nipple-shields/
Babies not getting enough from the breast:
Baby who does not latch on: http://ibconline.ca/not-latching/
Tongue tie information:
All Purpose Nipple Ointment: https://ibconline.ca/information-sheets/all-purpose-nipple-ointment-apno/
Late onset decreasing milk supply: http://ibconline.ca/decreased/
Paced bottle feeding: http://www.mamanatural.com/paced-bottle-feeding/
Increasing milk production:
Natasha Thingstad
Rapids Family Health Team
1150 Pontiac Dr. Sarnia, ON N7S 3A7
Phone: 519-339-8949
Email: nunrau@rapidsfhteam.ca
Lactation Consultants
Lambton Public Health
160 Exmouth Street, Point Edward, ON N7T 7Z6
Phone: 519-383-8331
Toll Free: 1-800-667-1839
Fax: 519-383-6078
Kerri Zandberg, RN, BScN, IBCLC, RLC (Chatham)
Elizabeth Tower, Naturopathic Doctor, IBCLC
350 Christina St N, Sarnia, ON N7T 5V7
To book an appointment: elizabethtower.janeapp.com
Wilson Sisterly Lactation - Meagan Millar & Pam Wilson
Tongue Tie/Lip Tie Releases (ankyloglossia)
*Some of these resources need a midwife consult
Dr. Noranda Nyholt: anterior tongue tie only
239 George Street, Sarnia
Referral needed.
Dr. Kerr (Tecumseh): tongue and lip ties
120-11811 Tecumseh Rd East Tecumseh, ON N8N 4M7
Dr. Clive Friedman (London): tongue and lip ties
Pediatric Oral Health & Dentistry
389 Hyde Park Road London, ON N6H 3R8
Tel: 519-679-9860
Fax: 519 657-9984
Dr. Liu (London): tongue and lip ties
Soni Dentistry
B2-2 705 Wonderland Road N London, ON N6H 0H8
Phone: (519) 657-5111
Fax: (519) 657-4040
E-Mail: infowest@sonidentistry.com
Great Information here: www.sonidentistry.com/frenectomy
Dr. Jack Newman’s Clinic (Toronto): Need referral. Minimal cost.
Appointment booked within 24 hours of information sent!
Parent Referral Form: https://ibconline.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Referral-Form-Mother.pdf
Baby Referral Form: https://ibconline.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Referral-Form-for-Baby-.pdf
Arched/Vaulted palate: Breastfeeding a baby with high palate
Stopping Milk Production
Sage tincture or tea. Benadryl or other decongestants.
Tight bra
Cabbage leaves in bra (change when they wilt)
Sudafed (behind the counter)
Sage/parsley/peppermint tea
Earth Mama Organic No More Milk Tea for weaning from breastmilk (buy on-line)
Cabocreme Breast Cream for engorgment, weaning, and suppression of breast milk (buy on-line)
Peer led circles for support
Subsequent Pregnancy support
One–to–One telephone support
Online communities of support
Commemorative Events
The Government of Canada "You can quit smoking": https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/smoking-tobacco/quit-smoking/provincial-territorial-services.html
Smokers Helpline: https://www.smokershelpline.ca/ or call 1-866-366-3667
The Government of Canada - Smoking In Pregnancy: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-concerns/tobacco/smoking-your-body/pregnancy.html
Natasha Thingstad
Rapids Family Health Team
1150 Pontiac Dr. Sarnia, ON N7S 3A7
Phone: 519-339-8949
Email: nunrau@rapidsfhteam.ca
We encourage first time parents to take prenatal classes. There are a variety of on-line and in-person prenatal classes
Click here for available classes in Sarnia and the surrounding area
Iafrate Chiropractic and Wellness (Webster Technique)
149 Davis Street – Unit C. Sarnia, ON
Dr. Sarah Blanshard
1133 Lakeshore road, Sarnia, ON.
Petrolia Chiropractic (Chiropractic care during and after pregnancy)
4345 Petrolia Line, Petrolia, ON
The River Osteopathy and Wellness Centre
1323 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, ON, N7S 3Y1
Merissa Kendall
911 Michigan Ave, Point Edward, ON N7V 1H2
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Laura Jasmin
Health Creation Lab
442 Christina Street
Registered Massage Therapists
The Back Clinic – Sarah Parker RMT
112 Russell Street N. Sarnia, ON
Carlie Pitka, RMT
Dawkins Chiropractic Clinic
Experience in treating prenatal and postpartum clients and infants (treating torticollis, constipation, colic, etc.). Experience in treating pelvic floor dysfunction (external treatment)
307 Wellington St
Grace Yu: traditional acupuncturist and TCM
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Bluewater Pelvic Health Centre
113-704 Mara St. Point Edward, ON N7W 1X4
P: 519-491-5233
F: 226-313-4304
Genesis Restorative - Natalie Graham, PT
251 Exmouth Street, Suite 3
P: 519-332-3339
If you have a doctor in a Family Health Team, there is always a social worker on staff who can see you.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Psychotherapy Program. Provides group and/or individual CBT counselling with a social worker.
Crisis Services: 519-336-3445 (Lambton Mental Health Crisis Services)
Mental Health Support: 519-337-5411
Family Counselling Centre
Postpartum Services for Pregnant Women, Mothers, and their Families. Provides CBT counselling for individuals experiencing depression and/or anxiety.
Cost: free, subsidized, or fee-for-service based on multiple factors.
1086 Modeland Road, 2nd Floor, Building 1030, Sarnia, ON
Distress Line: 1-888-347-8737 or 519-336-3000
Kirsten Dezort, Social Worker
Counselling for PTSD, birth trauma, OCD pregnancy loss
155 Front Street North, Unit 108
Julie Carter Counselling Services
Women’s Interval Home Counselling
Toll Free: 1-800-265-1412
The Pregnancy Options & Support Centre
Support for parenting, support groups
Domestic Assault Program
Postpartum Mood Disorders
Telehealth Ontario
TTY: 1-866-797-0007
The Perinatal Mental Health Collective
Kate Barsato
Stacey Milliken
Heather Mitchell
Aidan Black-Allen
Support Kits for Women Postpartum
Mama Care Co
There really is nothing like having a new baby around. There is also nothing like the recovery process after having that baby. Mama Care Co. is a company that wants to see Mamas succeed and thrive through all seasons, but we specialize in the postpartum season (after giving birth). No matter how many times a Mom gives birth, each time is unique and brings its own set of joys and challenges. Our goal is to give Moms the space, permission and tools they need to help them recover and get back on their feet. We offer a variety of unique and thoughtful postpartum recovery kits filled with products that real Moms actually use to help them recover physically and mentally. These make great gifts whether it's someone's first or fifth baby. Why not help that Mama (or yourself!) feel more prepared for this new phase of life? After all, we care so much for our babies, why not care for Mamas too?
Photography & Videography
We can claim no responsibility for information found on links to external sites. Midwifery Services of Lambton-Kent does not necessarily endorse any such linked sites or the information, material, products or services contained on other linked sites or accessible through other linked sites.
If you have questions or concerns about midwifery-related information you find on our website, please discuss them with your midwife or care-provider. Please notify us at info@sarniamidwives.com if any of the above links do not work.